Creative Space

Big Bad Wolf Kachina Bolo-signed Virgil and Shirley Benn on reverse with Bennett Pat Pend C-31 stamp on clasp-this could be late 60's but more likely a 70's piece~I like this guy, tight work- the variation within the tortoise shell, the coral tongue, the turquoise dot inlay into the jet and also the relief lines carved into the moccasins and clothing.
*Virgil is Tewa and Shirley is Hopi, her mother is the famous Hopi potter/artist Daisy Hooee Nampeyo who for a period was married to Leo Poblano-Shirley grew up in Zuni and was no doubt exposed to some incredible lapidary work from a young age. Daisy Hooee's story is interesting-Anita Baldwin who had seen her work as a teen-funded a necessary eye surgery and subsequent art education in Pasadena and Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris-she is recognized as introducing relief carving techniques to Poblano and other zuni jewelers following her return to the South West. I know-long story-to make it Longer you can read about Daisy's mother Nampeyo- here.