However, if the sight of a blank sheet of lutradur fills you with creative dread, don’t worry we all feel like that at first. What’s more there is plenty of inspiration out there for anyone who is a bit stuck. So read on and we’ll give you some handy tips and links to galleries to get you started.
Lutradur artwork by Ineke Berlyn.
Lutradur is a mixed media fabric, so trying stitching it! Enjoy the fabulous textures you can create by combining it with different fabrics.
Once you are comfortable with that you can start to cut your Lutradur into any shape you like. Go crazy with patterns, don’t forget you can paint it or dye it (use disperse dyes not procion dyes).
Then you can take it all a bit further and add a bit of heat. Lutradur is happy to be ironed, but is much more exciting when you turn a heat gun on it and make it look distressed. Use a very hot heat gun and keep it moving quickly over the Lutradur for a beautiful, lacy effect.
If you still need some inspiration have a look at these websites and take some inspiration form the best in the business. Remember, the most important thing is to Go For It! Nothing is wrong if you are having fun.
Spun Art -
Ineke Berlyn -
Lutradur Yahoo Group -
CT Publishing Blog -
And of course, our own page on Lutradur -