Creative Space [Search results for textile]
Fabric Art and Textile Techniques
Patchwork - patchwork designs and block printing
Hand Embroidery - Textile Holidays
Textile - Textile Art - Textile Artists - Textile Techniques
Textile Treasures at the Textile Society's Antique Textile Fair
Textile Art - new inspirational website
Textile Holidays
Textile India - textile tours - textile holidays - textile tour - ethnic textile
Textile Events and Shows
textile art - workshops on dvd - Colouricious
Learn textile techniques - free, weekly, online
Fabric textile with Lutradur
Textile Art - inspiration, free online newsletter
textile artist - Marilyn Pipe
Textile Art Design Holiday with Textile Artists
Art and Textiles = textile arts
Textile techniques - free videos online
Gilda Baron - machine embroidery
Textile Art - Creating new surfaces using fabric strips
Textile workshop - free online inspiration with Colouricious